20 March 2008

Menstrual Phase 1

This is the second instalment in the imagery and affirmations series.

This is for the first half of the menstrual phase -- so Cycle Days 2 through 5 for those who bleed for 7+ days and Cycle Day 2 to 4 for those who bleed 5 or 6 days.

You can however, click here to view a larger show of the slides. It is still too fast but I will be working on that later.

1 comment:

Sharon LaMothe said...

I joined your blog on Facebook and wanted to offer you a chance to see mine...you can go on Facebook and search for Surrogacy 101 or you can click the link below!

I just started reading yours and look forward to reading more...Herbs are so confusing to me!!

Have a great weekend and I look forward to hearing from you!


Sharon LaMothe
Infertility Answers
727-458-8333 Cell